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Singapore Chinese Girls‘School
更新:2011-05-09 14:28:53 作者:对外友好 点击:0

Singapore Chinese Girls’ School stands out in more ways than one. As a school, we fit into several categories, making us distinctively rare.

We are a:
• Full school
• All-girls school
• Single session school
• Grant-in-aid school with an Independent Secondary Division
• Premier school

As a full school, catering to both primary and secondary pupils, SCGS is run with a common purpose and vision. We provide a vibrant and nurturing environment for learning, building the competencies and attributes necessary for a global future.

One clear advantage is that SCGS gives our pupils 10 years to grow and blossom with us. From 6 years of age until they graduate when they are 16, the girls are immersed in more than just a course of study – we attend to their whole being, focusing on the harmonious and total development of the individual.

At Secondary 1, we open our doors for a major intake, while giving our Primary 6 pupils priority for continuing with us. At Secondary 3, a fresh intake of foreign scholars join us, adding colour and diversity to our school.

With our heritage and proven track record, SCGS remains steadfast in our goal of grooming world-ready girls, who walk through our doors having benefited from a values-driven and holistic education, offering a truly balanced Science and Humanities curriculum.

For parents seeking a suitable school for their girls, or for potential pupils aspiring for an education which prepares them to be global women leaders of character and relevance, we invite you to let us walk you through our website, to get acquainted with the vitality, vibrancy and richness of an SCGS education. 
全国免费申请热线:400-006-7447  QQ:4000067447
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