2. 學校設備齊全,有大會堂、電腦音樂實驗室、學生休閒中心、圖書館及設有電腦液晶顯示屏的課堂等,亦設有寬頻網路,所有學生家長皆可透過線上學 習,查閱校方所掛上的最新資料。
3. 南洋女子宿舍的環境清幽,設備齊全。它在2000年落成,為學生提供了溫馨舒適的居所,同時也讓學生在良好的環境中,學習生活與處世之道,培養獨立的精神和自理的能力。
4. 我們的寄宿生來自不同的學校與國家,如馬來西亞、中國、香港和泰國。她們在這裏和其他的同學交流、溝通,渡過了許多美好的時光。她們畢業後,將帶走美麗的回憶、珍貴的友誼和個人的豐富經驗。宿舍也為寄宿生安排了許多深廣活動,使她們的生活更為充實。
School Vision 願景 |
Every Nanyang Girl a Respected Member of Society 所有的南洋校友成為社會尊賢 |
School Mission任務 |
We aim to nurture every Nanyang girl to be someone who is proud of her integrity, achievements and cultural roots. She is someone who leads a healthy lifestyle, exhibits leadership qualities as well as team spirit; appreciates the arts, is IT Savvy, creative and innovative. She will be a continual and independent learner, globally attuned as well as willing and able to make meaningful contributions to society.我們培養南洋校友自尊,自重,並成就社會文化,健康的生活型態,表現領袖特質,團隊精神,有藝術修養,科技素養,有毅力,獨立自主,並致力成就自我及社會. |
School Emphasis 特別強調 |
The school firmly believes in the holistic development of our students in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetical domains. |
School Achievements成就 |
Winner of Sustained Achievement Awards for Arts, Uniformed Groups, Fitness and Sports |
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