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更新:2011-03-01 11:40:26 作者:对外友好 点击:0


  Appliance-Type Items


  alarm clock, flashlight, desk lamp (not halogen)


  camera * , computer * , fan * , hair dryer * , humidifier * , reading lamp for bed * , stereo * , telephone * , Walkman *




  bath towels (2-4) , blankets , sheets (4) (single-bed unfitted) , pillow cases (4) , wash clothes (2), bedspread or quilt. your own special pillow *


  Clothes and Shoes


  athletic socks (10+) , belts , dress code clothes, dress shoes, jackets, jeans, pajamas, sneakers, sweaters, sweatpants, T-shirts, turtlenecks (2+), underwear (lots), winter boots, winter coat, winter hat and glove(Amount of clothing depends on how often student does laundry.) bathrobe * , dress pants or special skirt/dress * , sandals * , shower sandals * .




  athletic equipment as appropriate, batteries, binders (2), computer disks and holder, cup/mug, dictionary, envelopes, graphing calculator (不是普通的) ,hangers,key chain, laundry bags (2), laundry detergent, laundry marking pen, loose-leaf paper, notebooks (3) , paper clips, pencils and pens (10+), quarters for laundry,ruler,scissors,sewing kit (needle, thread, buttons), stamps,thesaurus, stationery, tissues, watch,water bottle


  food plastic utensils* ,small duffel bag*, small rug*, tape* ,thumbtacks* ,wall decoration* dry erase board*,backpack** ,bike, lock and helmet* bulletin board* ,hi-liters*


  Toiletries and Such .


  aspirin,Band-Aids,containers for makeup,cosmetics,feminine hygiene products ,hairbrush and comb, shampoo and conditioner , soap and container,toothpaste and toothbrush jewelry and hair items* ,hairbands* ,nail clippers* ,razors, etc.



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  1. 1加拿大研究生与移民一体化
  2. 2美国本科留学绿色通道 纽约州立大学Herkim
  3. 3加拿大留学生存之九大格言
  4. 4高考后留学请关注-美国社区大学(学院)
  5. 5在加拿大留学意外丢失证件怎么办?
  6. 6加拿大SPP计划深度解析
  7. 7华盛顿大学
  8. 8加拿大教育文化—加拿大教育制度
  9. 9了解重要信息留学加拿大之必备词汇
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  1. 1澳洲本科、硕士毕业生移民出路明确
  2. 2澳洲留学三大热门专业解析
  3. 32011留学澳洲费用全解析
  4. 4澳洲留学本科比研究生更受认可
  5. 5新西兰留学签证详细解答
  6. 6新西兰留学专业选择
  7. 7解读澳洲留学担保金及留学贷款政策
  8. 8澳洲留学移民新政新看法
  9. 9留澳重大利好:学生签证松绑
  10. 10573担保金减3成!
  1. 1我在国外之生活篇----波兰华沙
  2. 2波兰留学---中国学生的更好选择
  3. 3申请波兰留学所需材料
  4. 4波兰留学值得你关注的优势
  5. 5专家:选择留学波兰有五大优势
  6. 6漫步波兰 感历史之殇
  7. 7波兰华沙经济大学 交换心得 张诚新
  8. 8波兰留学常见问题
  9. 9波兰留学转居留需要注意的问题
  10. 10波兰留学——提问与回答- Questions & Ans
  1. 1留学英国必知:英国留学费用
  2. 2留学英国:专业选择需注意的三点
  3. 3英国硕士与美国硕士差别在哪?
  4. 4英国和美国哪个教育制度更有优势
  5. 5英国留学选学校必知的雷区
  6. 6留学英国所需费用及其比较
  7. 72014年最新英国大学排名
  8. 8中英两国学制对比及申请
  9. 9如何申请英国学校
  10. 10英国本科留学的几个重要时间点