西德科特学校Sidcot School位于英国Somerset北部的郊区,校园面积约一百五十英亩,面积广阔。校舍临近海边,环境清幽舒适,并有铁路连接大城市伦敦。该校的教学宗旨是希望为学生提供全面的教育,并发展他们的潜能及兴趣。
学校有学生约四百人,每班人数平均只会有十二至十七人,全部都为小班制班级。方 便老师能充分照顾班中每一位学生的进度。在小学时,学员会修读法文、科学、资讯技术、音乐、电脑、美术及体育等科目。而入读中学后,为使学生能确切了解将 来选修科目的内容,学生会修读更多的科目,包括拉丁文、生物、化学及物理。而该校的中四学生大多数会修读九科GCSE科目,当中例如有英文、英国文学、数 学及科学,其余则为自选科目,当中必须有一个外语科目,一个人文学科目及一个艺术科目。而在中六时,学校会为学生提供20个A及AS-Level科目,还 有GNVQ中级和高级程度科目,供不同程度及兴趣的学生选择修读。
校内大部份学生均为寄宿生。全校共有7座宿舍,其中6座的位置 临近学校本部,而第7座则近海岸。每座宿舍均有舍监、护士及有2至5名职员,使学生无论在日常生活、情绪及健康上都得到妥善的照顾,舍内气氛友善亲切。为 协助学生融入宿舍生活,校方会安排寄宿生编入一小组,每8至10人,由专业导师负责带领。导师会密切监察组内各寄宿生的身心发展、学业成绩、并经常加以提 点,让学生能够不断进步。宿舍内设有康乐室及小厨房,供学生享用。寄宿生一般会2至4人共住一间房,校方正计划在将来安排中七学生入住单人房。
课外活动方面,学生于周末均不须要上课,而校方会于该日举办各 类活动,例如运动比赛、远足、舞蹈、演奏会等让学生参与。每学期均会有六十多个学会举办多项活动。同时,学校亦有各种优良的运动设施,例如二十英亩的大草 地、更衣室、多个全天候的网球场、多用途体育馆、室内暖水游泳池及骑马场等。很多运动项目会有专人教授,让学生能广泛接触到各类体育活动,培养他们的兴 趣。
该校创立于1699年,至今已有三百年的历史。学校又设有一座 英语补习中心,让英语水平需要提升的学生在该处进修。中心内设施新颖,由教学经验丰富的老师任教,并会按学生的英语程度分班,每班人数不超过六人,让每一 位学生均得到老师的照顾,好好改善英语能力。大部份学生会参加剑桥大学举办的语文测试、IGCSE、IELTS的英语试,作为将来升学及求职之用。
A Level 成绩 2007
Of all A level exams taken 76% of the grades were A or B. This was 7% higher than the previous year and compares with a national average of 49% A and B grades.
The percentage of A grades jumped massively from 41% to 60.53% against a national average A grade percentage of 25%. The overall pass rate (A to E) was 99.12%.
The average tally of A level grades per student was an incredible AAA and the points per candidate (the university admissions procedure scores an A as 120, a B as 100, a C as 80 etc) was 389.40. These very high averages are obtained because a number of students gained 4 or 5 A grades each!
The Times (25 August 2007) placed us 115 in the top 1000 schools (and sixth form colleges) for A levels and there were only two schools in the whole of the South West (Badminton in Bristol and Colyton Grammar School in Devon) who gained a higher points per candidate score.
League tables themselves are not important but what really pleases me is that Sidcot is showing what an inclusive school can do for all children in a supportive atmosphere that is not a high pressure hot house. We are very proud of our student”s achievements (and their teachers) and wish all of our students well in their future careers.
Ahmed Al-Shabab gained five A grades and is going on to study Aeronautical Engineering at Cambridge, Zhong Zhang and Sam Lee gained 4 A”s each and are going on to study Maths at Oxford. 11 other students gained 3 or more A grades including local students (picture right) Jenny Mills (applying to Cambridge this year), Ewan Gourlay (studying Medicine at Brighton) and Corin Mulliss (studying Psychology at York).